SPC Hosts Grise's 模因农场: A Discussion on Food Security and Food Sovereignty


St. 菲利普学院举办了一场 meme农场: A Discussion on Food Security and Food Sovereignty on 10月 12, 2020. The event, sponsored by the St. Philip’s 大学 Communications and Learning Department and the Creative and Communication Arts Institute, included panelist: Virginia Grise, 作家; Jess Mayes, SAC Eco Centro Conservation Research & 外联协调; and Jovanna Lopez, SAC Eco Centro Urban Agriculture 社区 Coordinator.

The virtual event was designed to inspire a conversation around the importance of food sovereignty and the many impacts food deserts and food insecurity have on our communities. The event began with a reading of 模因农场 by playwright Virginia Grise. 模因农场 是一个关于 semilleros (seedbeds) and the South Central Farm built in a vacant lot after the 1992 Los Angeles Rebellion. The reading was followed by a panel discussion exploring the importance of food sovereignty as it relates to living a life of dignity and self-sufficiency. 

Virginia Grise shared her experience with the activists who worked on the South Central Farm which inspired the creation of 模因农场. Jovanna Lopez spoke to food insecurity and the lack of access to fresh, 负担得起的, and organic produce in 圣安东尼奥, with a focus on the East Side. Jess Mayes discussed the importance of permaculture and the connection between food, 经济学, 政治与文化.

The event led up to the 十大网赌正规网址官网区 Pop-Up Market hosted by the St. Philip’s 大学 Advocacy Center on 10月 15, 2020. The pop-up event partner with the 圣安东尼奥 Food Bank, EcoCentro, 卡拉米亚剧院, and Books in the Barrio to distribute food, 种子包和 模因农场 颜色的书. Approximately 12,000 pounds of food was donated to over 90 families.  

To learn more about the services available through the St. Philip’s 大学 Advocacy Center, 点击这里.


SPC Pop-Up Market Schedule

星期四,11月. 19

3 - 5 p.m.



星期四,12月. 17

3 - 5 p.m.
